Scientific Achievements
About 70 scientific papers.
The theory of square parachute is created, describing distribution of parameters of shape, tension and resistance to airflow of canopy in steady-state condition for various sets of suspension line lengths and air-permeability.
The main parachute aerodynamic characteristics are defined as a result of detailed experimental investigations of parachute models (round, cross, triangular, hexagonal, conical, square, reefing and so on) with different line lengths and their number, geometric porosity and air-permeability, vent, central line and so on in Wind Tunnel in the extensive range of flow velocities. The practical recommendations for optimal parachute application are submitted.
Numerical investigations of influence of above mentioned parameters, as well as pressure distribution over parachute canopy on its shape, drag coefficient, tension of radial ribbons and fabric between them are carried out; areas of maximum fabric tension are determined.
Character of pressure difference distribution Dp along the different shape canopies is studied. Peculiarities of Dp, typical for the unsymmetrical parachutes, are detected and analysed.
It is discovered experimentally that a character of pressure distribution for a square canopy depends on a particular choice of suspension line lengths. Having solved numerically the system of differential equations of  the equilibrium, it proved possible to determine the line lengths,  for which the condition Dp = const along total square canopy is satisfied. This result is perfectly confirmed by the experiments.
It is proved possible to find the value of geometric permeability, which improves parachute stability actually without  reducing  the value of drag coefficient (in consequence of a successive inculcating of geometric porosity on a  square canopy surface for different   parameters).
Influence of upstream velocity, angle of attack and another parameters on the origin of various parachute forms instability in the deployment process and steady-state condition is investigated experimentally.

